

Peripheral Neuropathy in Legs and Feet: Finding Relief with SoftWave Therapy in Rochester, NY

Published December 5th, 2023 by

Peripheral neuropathy is a debilitating condition that affects countless individuals, causing pain, numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation in the legs and feet. If you're seeking answers and relief for peripheral neuropathy in Rochester, NY, you've come to the right place. Dr. Sam Camarata and the team at Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness offer a revolutionary solution through SoftWave Therapy.

Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a complex condition that occurs when the peripheral nerves, responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body, become damaged. This damage disrupts the normal functioning of the nerves and can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including:

Pain: Often described as sharp, stabbing, burning, or electrical shocks.

Numbness: Loss of sensation, making it difficult to feel heat, cold, or touch.

Tingling: A "pins and needles" sensation in the affected areas.

Muscle Weakness: Reduced strength and coordination in the legs and feet.

Balance Problems: Difficulty maintaining balance and a higher risk of falls.

The causes of Neuropathy are diverse and can include:

Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can damage nerves over time.

Infections: Certain infections like shingles or HIV can affect the nervous system.

Toxins: Exposure to certain chemicals, drugs, or alcohol.

Trauma: Injuries, falls, or accidents can damage nerves.

Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Heredity: Some forms of Neuropathy are genetic.

Idiopathic: It's common for Neuropathy to happen for unkown reasons.

Chemo Induced: Following course of treatment.

Vitamin & Nutrient Deficiencies: People can develop nerve damage because they are deficient in certain vitamins. Common deficiencies are related to copper, Vitamins B1, B6, B9, B12, folic acid (B9), and E. Too much B6 can also cause this.

Vascular Disorders: Lack of blood flow can cause Neuropathy and nerve damage.

Traditional Approaches to Neuropathy

Traditional treatments for neuropathy often involve medications aimed at managing symptoms. These can include:

Pain relievers: Over-the-counter or prescription medications may help manage pain.

Antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs: These can help with pain relief and nerve function.

Physical therapy: Exercises may help improve strength and balance.

Topical treatments: Creams and ointments may provide some relief.

However, these approaches may not address the root cause of Neuropathy or offer long-lasting relief.

A Natural Approach: SoftWave Therapy and Infrared + Red Light Therapy

The Power of SoftWave Therapy:

SoftWave Therapy, a revolutionary treatment, utilizes electrohydraulic supersonic acoustic waves to stimulate the body's natural healing processes through STEM CELL activation and recruitment. It offers a range of benefits specifically tailored to neuropathy:

1. Enhanced Blood Flow and Circulation: SoftWave Therapy improves blood flow, ensuring that essential nutrients and oxygen reach damaged nerve cells, aiding in repair and regeneration.

2. Inflammation Modulation: Chronic inflammation is a common driver of neuropathic pain. SoftWave Therapy can help regulate inflammation, reducing pain and discomfort.

3. Stem Cell Activation: SoftWave Therapy triggers the activation and recruitment of resident stem cells, promoting nerve cell repair and regeneration.

4. Pain Relief: Many neuropathy sufferers experience significant pain. SoftWave Therapy can provide relief by addressing the underlying causes.

Infrared + Red Light Therapy:

In combination with SoftWave Therapy, Infrared Red Light Therapy takes nerve regeneration to the next level. This therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to penetrate deep into tissues, providing a range of benefits for neuropathy:

1. Cellular Energy Production: Infrared light boosts cellular energy production, which is crucial for repairing damaged nerve cells.

2. Improved Blood Flow: Like SoftWave Therapy, Infrared Red Light Therapy enhances blood flow, further supporting the healing process.

3. Reduction in Pain and Discomfort: This therapy can help reduce pain and discomfort associated with neuropathy, improving overall quality of life.

4. Neuroprotection: Infrared light has neuroprotective properties, shielding nerve cells from further damage.

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The Synergy of Both Therapies:

The combination of SoftWave Therapy and Infrared Red Light Therapy creates a powerful synergy. While SoftWave Therapy addresses the root causes of neuropathy, such as inflammation and damaged tissue, Infrared Red Light Therapy accelerates the regeneration process by providing the energy and resources necessary for nerve cell repair.

A Personalized Treatment Plan

When you visit Camarata Chiropractic & Wellness, our team led by Dr. Sam will assess your unique condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. We believe in addressing the root cause of your Neuropathy, not just masking the symptoms.

Our goal is to provide you with natural relief, improve your overall well-being, and help you regain your quality of life. If you or someone you know is struggling with Neuropathy in the feet or hands, we invite you to explore our natural approach to find lasting relief. 

Don't let Neuropathy hold you back; take the first step towards a brighter, pain-free future.

Give us a call today! 585-617-4145

Book an appointment ONLINE HERE for SoftWave Therapy!

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